Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Weekly Spending Report 3.24.14-3.31.14 and Spending Temptations

Usually I do a week of spending, but I decided to just wait until the end of the month to wrap it up, then I can be done with March.

March is a long cold month here in these parts (Southeastern Pennsylvania, United States, North America, Earth).  I am glad to be looking forward to Spring. April is a big month, I have Mike's (32) birthday (he's older than me :) and our 8th wedding anniversary. We got married on Earth Day. Not on purpose. It just so happened to be that way. Oh, and our wedding cost $500.00 and was awesome.

Aw, we love each other. I realize we have almost no photos of just the 2 of us together. Oh well.

Have I mentioned my husband is a jazz musician?  If you are so inclined, check out his first album. :) :)

Anyway, back to the spending report. To recap, I am in the compact, buying nothing new, family of 4, Southeastern crappy expensive PA, etc. etc.

Shoes for Kid 1 : 46.35
Shoes are one thing I spend money on. Good shoes are important for your back and stuff.
Date with Kid 1: 7.95
Gift For Kid 1 Birthday Party: 16.05
I don't know why I made him go to the party. He does not like large groups of people. Neither do I.
Groceries: 145.78 (Time to go back to Costco me thinks.)
Take out: 14.92 ( I was so tired. Baby does not sleep through the night yet! )
Gas for Both Cars: 83.23 (I am getting my bike soon equipped with baby seat. I can't wait! I am hoping to have a basket and/or cart fixed so I can go to the food store!!)
Church: 70.00
Kindle Books: 11.00

Total: 395.28

Total for Month of March: 1991.97 WOW! New Low!! Woohoo!

I love not spending money.

That is not to say I do not have temptations, although I do not think my spending temptations fall in with what normal ladies spend money on. Books are my biggest temptation. Follow that with cleaning supplies.

Yes, cleaning supplies.
I am a sucker for anything that promises my house to be cleaner in an easier, less work, less time fashion. I am sorta lazy but I like to have a clean house. In the end, I have found the simpler products are usually the best. I have all hardwood floors, so I find a dust mop works the best, and I have a steam mop that I use around 4 times a year to clean and sanitize. (This may change once baby is crawling around, but in my opinion kids can use to eat a little dirt. Kid 1 tried to eat a cigarette butt once at the playground and lived to tell the tale. That was super disgusting. And don't get me started on our poison control call history.)

As for clothing temptations, I am tempted by things that promise me comfort. Like pajama jeans. Don't be fooled. They do not feel like pajamas! I love pajamas. And skirts. I love skirts.

What are your spending temptations?



  1. Lately, my spending temptation was a woolen blend biker cardigan. I wasn't seeking one out, but for the past few years (excluding last year) I have allowed myself to buy one 'expensive' woollen cardigan (or jumper, but I prefer the cadigans). I didn't know my search would end so soon (it's not even really Autumn yet here!) I just want it to get cold. Usually, though, clothes don't tempt me.

    I also want to buy a BBQ to be more prepared if there was a power outage, but can't justify the expense. And I want to buy plants for inside, but again, think it's a little silly. But then I've spent at least $10 this week on coffee (x2) and a chocolate, which I really could and should have done without... so...

    1. If you bike a lot, I would say it might be worth the purchase. I am very excited about getting my bike.
      You might be able to find a second hand bbq? That is where we got ours.
      I love coffee and chocolate. I was guilty of that this week...
