Monday, April 21, 2014

Weekly Spending Report 4.12 - 4.18.14

Happy Easter/Passover/whatever holiday you might celebrate!

We had a busy Easter weekend, my husband and I sang in the choir and kid 1 went to a few egg hunts. I find the Easter bunny thing kind of dumb (bunnies do not lay eggs!) and really has nothing to do with Jesus rising, but, what are you going to do?

Trying to explain the resurrection to a 7 year old boy is not easy. He was very concerned Jesus was a skeleton or a zombie. We had to work on that one!

Anywho, here is the spending report.

38.87 which brings the total so far this month to 328.98

total for month so far: 48.43

total for month so far: 130.72

Other Spending:
54.94 - CVS- included diapers, wipes, granola bars, and personal item
17.74- Easter candy and prescription
25.00- Easter toy for kids
3.34- Netflix

Total for Week: 216.41

1 comment:

  1. I would be embarrassed to share our spend this week - in the past five days in Cairns (northern Queensland) we spent in the ballpark of $300 per day between meals and activities. You can see why Australians so often fly to Asia - whilst the flight is a big cost, once you're in Asia, everything else is so cheap compared to travelling in Australia That being said, we went to the sort of place that's on people's bucket list - the Great Barrier Reef. Still, I'm so impressed on your low spend! Nice work!
