Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Low Sleep Living

Anyone who has been reading my blog might have guessed my absence is due to my having a baby a few weeks ago.

I have an older child who is 7, but it has been a while since I've done the "baby" thing- and let me tell you, only sleeping in 2 hour chunks makes "low waste/zero waste" living take a backseat on the "things to do" list.

I am using disposable diapers and wipes (I can't go up and down the stairs yet- the washer is in the basement!) among other things. I have not given into paper towels yet :) :) But who knows?

My self righteous environmentally conscious somewhat judgmental self has been humbled- I will no longer judge the mom who is formula feeding and using disposables (although I did bottle feed my first born, that is a tale for another day) because I get it- sometimes life puts you into survival mode, and all you can do is use a disposable diaper/eat at McDonalds/drink a bottled water/fill in the blank because it is all you can handle.

Not to say you should do it all the time, but we all need some grace and encouragement, not judgment.

I am not sure what the next step for this blog is, I still am focused on living and environmentally sound life, but I am not sure the spark to write about it is still here.

And even though I am not commenting on blogs, I am still reading (when I can, got to love the kindle for late night reading while nursing).

Happy Holidays to All, maybe I'll talk to you soon-



  1. Congrats, Katie!!! And we here ya about survival mode. Cripes sake!

  2. Katie! I get your updates by email but I checked last night - just in case, and I thought, well she had the baby! Please do give us more details when you get a chance. I am not sure if you blog with your children's names though, so just know that we are very happy for you. Yes, we are in a bit of survival mode ourselves (we're great, but it's a long story), and I find that I am not doing the best job at being environmentally careful at all times. I am doing my best, but I like what you say about giving ourselves a break.

    Whatever you choose to do - blog or not blog - know that we appreciate what you've done. It has really helped me become more environmentally conscious. Enjoy this time, and get sleep when you can! You both look great!

    1. Hi Thank you! I am sorry you are in survival mode but glad to hear you are doing well! I don't do the best job at anything in survival mode. Would you mind if I emailed you sometime ? I find sharing more info. Through email better than on the blog..

  3. KATIE! I just told you on my blog, but want to say it here as well--I'm overjoyed for you and your adorable new baby! Congratulations, dear friend! As for the next steps at your blog, give yourself time to breathe right now and take in what gives you the most joy (no pun intended!). The answers about what to do next will come more easily to you with time. For me, the "pure green blog" had its limitations, so I hear you on that count, and the switch to nature photography has given me more energy and enthusiasm again. I wish you similar inspiration to continue on your path, and please let me know if you need any advice--you can always email me via the blog, JoyfullyGreen.com@gmail.com. Get some rest, hug that cute baby, and congrats again!!! xoxo Joy

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. I have enjoyed your blog for a long time, and I like it just as much now as I did in the beginning. I will email you when I get a chance- I love connecting with people :):)

  4. Survival mode is more than ok, and I can't think of a better reason than a new baby. Seriously though, I'm mother of none here, but I can't imagine trying to stay low waste with little sleep, and a human to care for the whole time. It's ok, as your newer post says, do what you can do, and you are! And don't let your blog name constrain you, I certainly do more than live and list :p

    1. Haha, thanks. Yes mothering is quite a job and even though this is my second go round, it has nevertheless kicked my butt (I was so high and mighty that it was the 2nd time it would be easier but I have been humbled..)
