Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What I am Reading 4.22.14

Hello all, Happy Earth Day! Which also happens to be my wedding anniversary. We are celebrating 8 years of marriage :) 8 years and 2 kids later and we still like each other.

The Offspring

I am very excited to share this post from one of my favorite blogs, The American Jesus.

Easter Sunday is over, Now What?

It summarizes very eloquently what I believe:

"If the resurrection is merely something we confess, celebrate, and sing about on Easter Sunday, but don’t live out each and every day, then everything we did at church yesterday was a complete waste of time.

I often tell people that I believe in the resurrection because I believe I have encountered the resurrected Christ in my own life through the kindness of strangers, the love of family, the grace of friends, and forgiveness from everyone in between." -Zack Hunt

Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!


If the resurrection is merely something we confess, celebrate, and sing about on Easter Sunday, but don’t live out each and every day, then everything we did at church yesterday was a complete waste of time.
I often tell people that I believe in the resurrection because I believe I have encountered the resurrected Christ in my own life through the kindness of strangers, the love of family, the grace of friends, and forgiveness from everyone in between.
- See more at: http://theamericanjesus.net/?p=12077#sthash.KXnf0nkH.dpuf
If the resurrection is merely something we confess, celebrate, and sing about on Easter Sunday, but don’t live out each and every day, then everything we did at church yesterday was a complete waste of time.
I often tell people that I believe in the resurrection because I believe I have encountered the resurrected Christ in my own life through the kindness of strangers, the love of family, the grace of friends, and forgiveness from everyone in between.
- See more at: http://theamericanjesus.net/?p=12077#sthash.KXnf0nkH.dpuf
If the resurrection is merely something we confess, celebrate, and sing about on Easter Sunday, but don’t live out each and every day, then everything we did at church yesterday was a complete waste of time.
I often tell people that I believe in the resurrection because I believe I have encountered the resurrected Christ in my own life through the kindness of strangers, the love of family, the grace of friends, and forgiveness from everyone in between.
- See more at: http://theamericanjesus.net/?p=12077#sthash.KXnf0nkH.dpuf
If the resurrection is merely something we confess, celebrate, and sing about on Easter Sunday, but don’t live out each and every day, then everything we did at church yesterday was a complete waste of time.
I often tell people that I believe in the resurrection because I believe I have encountered the resurrected Christ in my own life through the kindness of strangers, the love of family, the grace of friends, and forgiveness from everyone in between.
- See more at: http://theamericanjesus.net/?p=12077#sthash.KXnf0nkH.dpuf
If the resurrection is merely something we confess, celebrate, and sing about on Easter Sunday, but don’t live out each and every day, then everything we did at church yesterday was a complete waste of time.
I often tell people that I believe in the resurrection because I believe I have encountered the resurrected Christ in my own life through the kindness of strangers, the love of family, the grace of friends, and forgiveness from everyone in between.
- See more at: http://theamericanjesus.net/?p=12077#sthash.KXnf0nkH.dpuf

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