Friday, April 25, 2014

Weekly Spending Report 4.19.14 - 4.25.15 and My Dreams are Getting to Literal

Weekly Expenditures:

Groceries: 84.15
Monthly Total so Far: 413.13

13.35- Baby Food and Formula ( I went into work and needed a back up for the baby)
146.03- Bills
2.00- Snacks at Library
23.46- Diapers and Wipes
75.00 - Anniversary Dinner at Restaurant with Kids
Our first dinner out as a family of 4.
10.00 - Field Trip for Kid 1

The couple weeks I have been using disposables makes me see how expensive they are! My total stash of cloth diapers and accessories paid for itself in 4 months.

Total for Week: 353.99

I have been having a lot of dreams lately, that I remember. I think it may be due to the fact my sleep is so broken that I am in this semi-awake-asleep state. They are getting so literal I cannot remember if they happened in real life or not.

For example, in one dream I was hanging out with our extended family, who thinks I am a hippie communist liberal, and we were having a friendly discussion over dinner of whether or not electronics affect the environment. And, in my dream, I hopped on my soapbox to educate everyone about the mining of coltan in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and how bad it is.

Since this did not actually happen in real life, I figured I'd share it here and encourage you to learn about coltan and try to hold out on buying new electonics as long as possible.

Have a great weekend!


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