Friday, October 4, 2013

Photo Friday #2

I was hoping to have another post out before Photo Friday, but unfortunately I have spent the week battling a nasty cold. Cold + 34 weeks pregnant = blah. So, my free time was spent resting, not blog post writing. (It beats when I had whooping cough (pertussis) during my second trimester, which is a story for another day).

The picture this week wasn't taken by me, but it is a photo of my family for anyone out there for a burning desire to know what we look like.

I am the lone female, Mike (who gave me permission to use his name) my husband, and the boy. So, there we are. This was taken at my son's preschool graduation, which was June 2012. We are obviously due for an updated portrait, but I figure we might as well wait until the new little guy joins the family.

Have a great weekend everybody!!



  1. That is a lovely photo. Believe me, a good family photo gets exponentially more difficult each child you add!

    1. I can imagine it does (along with lots of other things!) I have been meaning to tell you- I love the tag line of your blog! It makes me laugh every time I look at your page!

  2. Thank you for the photo - you are stunning!

  3. Gorgeous and glowing fam, man!!! Hope you are 100% very soon!!!

    1. Thanks! I am already on the mend, thinking of doing a "natural cold remedies" post !
