Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Living Room: Where we do our Living

Lots of blogs show these perfect (white!) living rooms, and I just have to say, they don't live with my husband, son, and baby. My husband treats every room like his closet, my son crushes goldfish everywhere, and baby just likes to spit up on everything. But you know what? I am done feeling bad about my living room not being perfect. Welcome.

Welcome to my living room.

This is where my son plays.

This is where I write to you. And do other computery things.

This is our media closet.

This is where I nurse the baby, take naps, and hang out with the family.

This is our living room, it is not white or uncluttered or perfect. But, it is where we do our living.


  1. Good on you for bravely showing us real life. When we first moved to our house 14 years ago, it had a hideous slum-tenement type carpet which was vile, and a collection of nasty furniture, but that was really quite brilliant, because it meant the children could do anything they liked and not wreck the house. Now we have lovely furniture and carpet, but that's OK, because the children don't jump on the couch or throw up on the floor, or try to paint the walls anymore. But it was great that I didn't have to panic, back when they were small.

    1. Yes! We had even crappier furniture when my older son was a baby and I loved it because he could spit up and pee on it and I didn't care. I see no point in having nice stuff until the kids are older, and even then I kind of like not having to worry that I might mess it up! I can imagine with 4 kids things get messy pretty fast..

  2. Your living room is perfect just as it is. I love your media cabinet. :-) I hate seeing a large TV as the focal point of a room so your solution made me chuckle.

    1. I don't like the tv as a focal point either- I love that we can shut the door so we don't have to look at it when it is not in use.

  3. I love it - so comfy looking that sofa! I'm not sure how I'll cope with kids, I'm such a lover of everything neatly away - maybe I'll take a leaf out of your book with a large storage ottoman? Or big plastic containers to shepherd the dishes that inevitably end up around the sofa!

    1. Storage ottomans are great! I had to loosen the reigns a lot when I got married- my husband feels comfortable in clutter and I got nuts. Kids are just messy- I just remind myself I will be sad when the mess is gone because that means the kids will be gone.
