Friday, July 26, 2013

Weekend Reading

I have been reading the blog "Mr Money Mustache" from the beginning recently (very entertaining) and through that blog found the website Equal Shared Parenting. I was excited to find this website! This is what my husband and I have been doing for the past 6 years since our son was born. We both have been working part time, and sharing his care. It is awesome to see other people doing the same and being advocates for this cause!

My husband loves being able to be such a big part in our son's life! I'd say our main area that needs work is the housework -I still do most of the housework. But sites like this give me the motivation to keep at it!

When I give birth to baby #2, I will be leaving work for a little bit, but I plan on going back 2-3 days a week when baby is almost a year. We are planning to work out a schedule between the 2 of us.

I am also blessed to have my parents and sisters all within 20 minutes, along with my husband's family. (one our reasons for staying in this high cost of living area!) and they are extremely helpful to have around!

Obviously if you are a single parent this set up would not work, but for couples, how do you feel about Equal Shared Parenting?


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