Friday, October 11, 2013

Photo Friday #3

Ah, once again the week has gotten away from me. Between working a shift at the CSA farm we belong to, (splitting garlic, my large pregnant self is no good for farm work), and a church volunteer function, I have tuckered myself out. Being 8 months pregnant will do that to you :)

The weather here has been rain, rain, and more rain. So I thought I'd pull out a picture (s) from vacation. Last summer we went to Cape Cod, and rode out on the ferry boat to Martha's Vineyard (which I think Joy @ JoyfullyGreen went on a similar vacation this summer..)  It was one place I went snap happy with my camera. The beauty of Cape Cod; one minute you are at an ocean beach, and 10 minutes away you can go to a beautiful lake beach. Not to mention you have great hiking. As a lover of the outdoors, I thoroughly enjoyed myself (other than the car ride to get there!) These pictures were taken on the ferry ride leaving Cape Cod.

Have a great weekend!



  1. Ah, Cape Cod, vestiges from my childhood. The good old days before siblings. No offense, sisters. They're good girls. That photo will have me jumping in the fountains outside the cafe. Sure hope no one minds!!!

    1. Ah! I only had sisters growing up so boys have always been something of a mystery. I definitely can picture my son jumping into a fountain or two (come to think of it, he has).
