Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Becoming Habit

I was having a conversation the other day when the subject turned to laundry detergent (I know, don't be jealous, I lead a very exciting life.)

It got to how we mentioned we can't use the smelly stuff, because it gives us headaches, and I mentioned I make my own laundry detergent. "Oh," my friend said "I could never do that. To much work and time. I just buy free and clear."

I thought about it, and to be honest, I really don't think it takes much time to make laundry detergent. I have been doing it for so long it's just part of my routine. Then, I got to thinking of other "low waste" activities in my life, and how to someone totally unaccustomed to this type of "lifestyle" (if you want to call it that), it may seem time consuming.

But, once it becomes habit, it doesn't.

I haven't bought paper towels in over a year. At first, it was a pain in the butt to get use to the "rag" system, but now I don't even blink. It's not something I even think about. I just do it

I try to remind myself every time I begin a new low-waste endeavor, that while it may seem like a lot of work now, eventually it will become part of my routine (I am hoping this is the case with cloth diapers!)

Although, I have to emphasize, that the point of a low waste (or zero waste) lifestyle is not that it's easier, or convenient (although I find not having to buy lots of beauty products is a lot easier for me, personally), but I do it because I feel passionate about being the best steward I can of the (abundant) resources I have been given.

What's the most tedious housework/low waste/environmental change you've made? Mine would be cleaning the tub/shower. I don't just spray bleach on it anymore. I make homemade soft scrub, and I actually have to scrub.


  1. I also miss bleach in the bathroom. And I don't love cleaning out the food processor after grating either soap (for laundry powder) or cheese (to save the additives). But I manage it. And I get over washing up everything - even recyclables.

    1. Yes I do miss bleach in the bathroom. I hate scrubbing the toilet, now I do it with a pumice stone (and gloves of course!)
      I just use a hand grater for both cheese and soap, I consider it part of my exercise routine :)

  2. Houston does a crappy job with recycling. We have to save, store, sort and deliver our recyclables and on special times/days. They make it a big PITA. But we've made such a habit of it, it's no biggie. The guitar has helped me form the best habits I have and to my students they seem incredibly time consuming, yet it seems to take me no time at all. I love my guitar habits! Have a healthy one!!!

    1. That does sound like a pain. We just dump everything in one bucket and they collect it curbside. (Although it always makes me think about the poor people who then have to go through it and separate it..)
      What kind of guitar habits do you have? (or is it practicing?)

  3. I am learning so much from you, Katie. We do not make our own laundry detergent, but I am gradually phasing out cleaners. Vinegar is working well for me. We use washcloths for napkins which I forget to wash sometimes and then curse myself. It all feels good though, and I remember not to be too hard on myself. Like you said, it does get easier, and it's so worth it. I look forward to changing even more things around here.

    1. Laundry detergent is really easy, cheap, and the best thing is that it works. i have had a lot of homemade flops. My husband complains because he doesn't like the smell of vinegar, but I use it anyway.
      I forget my reusable bags a lot. And my cup. The napkin thing used to be a pain for me to- but once I got the hang of it it's become one of those things I no longer think much about.
      I look forward to changing more too- thanks for stopping by!
