Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What I am Reading 1.29.14

Life has the habit of getting away from me, and it has been a while since I have updated what I am reading. I love reading. I am literally one of those people who doesn't watch television. And I feel like a total nerd (and somewhat pretentious) saying "I don't watch tv, I read!" But I do. I really do.


1.) The Bible
I am still on track with my Bible in a year reading plan. I am still in Matthew for the new testament but have moved on to Exodus in the old testament (and every time I open it up I start singing the "Exodus" song by Bob Marley. Anyone else do this? Or is it just me?)

2.) The Gospel of Ruth: Loving God Enough To Break the Rules by Carolyn Custis James

I love the tagline of this book. "Loving God Enough to Break the Rules". Cool. I am reading this in my women's bible study, although due to the weather I haven't been in a while. We have had a crazy cold winter here in Pennsylvania so far. As I speak (type?) it is 11 * F.

3.) 32 Going on Spinster by Becky Monsoon

This was a free download on kindle that was unexpectedly great! It made me laugh so hard and I keep recommending it to people I know because I want someone to talk about it with. (If you read it please comment!!)


1.) Living Simply Free Good News Monday by Lois Field

Lois's blog is in my top 5 favorite blogs. It inspires me. I find it to be so helpful without condescending. This article brought me back to the book I read this summer, "Garbology" by Edward Humes.

2.) I'm Sort of Panicking because we're getting rid of our tv by Sarah Mae

This inspired me to cut down on my son's screen time even more. We are trying to limit the WII to 45 minutes a day. (I know.)

3.) Don't Homeschool? Take home to School by Katrina Ryder

This made me feel better about not homeschooling. It seems everyone with a blog homeschools. I do not. I am not against it. If my son was having problems in school I would consider it an option. But, here's the thing- my son goes to a local public school. It is a great school. He likes his teachers, and he likes his friends. He is happy. Son happy = mommy happy. I sat in his class this week to observe, and it reaffirmed that this is what works for him right now.

Well, it's hump day folks. Enjoy the rest of your week!

'till next time


Friday, January 24, 2014

Weekly Spending Report, One Car Family, Keeping Stuff vs. Getting Rid of Stuff 1.24.14

Hello, it's that time again for the spending report. Tracking all my expenses has made me see how much money I am really spending, and even though I am not buying anything new, I am thinking for the coming months each month I will target an area to reduce spending (such as groceries, gas, etc.)

Here is the breakdown:

2.99 - Kindle Book ( ah! I failed again)
10.00- Church
133.36- Groceries
13.00- Bottle of wine (Francis Ford Coppola Chardonnay, my favorite. we all have our vices)
9.15- ice cream playdate with kid 1
29.97- toilet paper. I find this funny that I spent 30 bucks on tp, and they deliver to my house in this huge box. I order it from amazon, it is plastic free and made from recycled paper. This will last us a couple months.
41.28- formula ordered from Amazon. I am breastfeeding, but I like to have formula on hand just in case.
35.28- gas for my husband's car
17.00- kid 1 haircut + tip
We all get our hair cut twice a year at Hair Cuttery. In between they are subjected to me and my scissors.

Total: 291.73

We have two cars. They are both paid for. Mike's is a '98 Camry that keeps on truckin', and I have a 2002 Passat which likes to give me problems because cars hate me. I would love to be a no car family. We live in the 'burbs, so public transit is not an option. I think we could probably become a one car family- with Mike being a traveling musician, he kind of needs a car. (Although I have had daydreams of him riding a bike with his drumset in a little cart behind him. I don't know how safe this would be on I95 ha ha.). The temperature around here has also been low, right now it is a balmy 10*F with a wind chill of -3*F. I suppose if I was super hardcore I could walk/ride a bike in this. But I've got a newborn. (He is my excuse for everything.)  Are you a one car/no car family?

The other thing I want to touch on is stuff. I prefer a minimalist approach. If I lived alone my house would be quite Spartan. I like empty spaces. Clutter gives me anxiety.

My loving husband on the other hand, is a different story. He never gets rid of stuff. Now- he doesn't buy stuff much, (he has actually shown interest in the compact.), but he doesn't part with stuff. He is a "we might be able to use this" guy. And let me tell you, nothing makes him happier than to use something that I had previously tried to get rid of - "I told you honey!!" So, I state my case for minimalism, and he states his case for savealism (saving stuff?), and I actually have to admit some of his reasoning makes sense to me.

The biggest one was that we might as well keep it and try to use it, rather then sending it to a landfill and have to buy something else later. This makes sense, as I more and more think that donating stuff to thrift stores is just dumping your problem on someone else (not that I never think we shouldn't donate, otherwise, where would I buy my clothes?) but- thrift stores usually have an overabundance and have to throw things out. I love that he has the creative ingenuity to see the possibilities in things and what they can become - to make them into something new. ( I do not possess this.) I have mentioned before almost nothing in our house is new.

What do you think?

Have a great weekend!


Monday, January 20, 2014

When simplifying becomes keeping up with the Jones's

Wait, you might say. That title doesn't make any sense! Keeping up with the "Jones" is acquiring more stuff, and simplfying is getting rid of stuff. Yes, it is different, but the mentality can become the same.

Hear me out.

When we get caught up in keeping up with the Jones's, it usually involves buying a fancier car, newer bigger house, and whatever shiny doodad is in style (Iwhatevers). I know. I have been caught in that storm before. "I should have a coach purse. and Uggs boots. Not some dumb other purse".

 Most people (if you live in the United States) can benefit from getting rid of stuff. But, you can become too focused on the goal of getting rid of stuff as well.

I was in the process of decluttering when this thought occured to me,

"Why should I get rid of something I use just so I can have less?"

So why am I saying simplfying can become like "keeping up with the Jone's "? Well, sometimes getting rid of stuff, I feel I have to keep simplfying. Until I eventually "arrive". I think it's the same feeling that we get when getting caught in the keeping up mentality. When we acquire those shiny doodads, suddenly we will "arrive". We will be happy.

But I realized, once again, my simplfying was becoming focused just on the stuff itself. When I reexamine the reasons of why I want to live simply, it has nothing to do with stuff and things. I want to live simply so I don't have to work tons of hours. I want to have time to spend with my family. I want to live simply so I have the time to develop meaningful relationships. I want to give back.

Because it is not about what you acquire (or what you get rid of). In the end it's about developing the relationships in your life. It is about being able to give more.

Do you ever get caught up in things? Caught up in the perfection and lose sight of the actual goal?

I know I do. I'm working on it.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Compact Weekly Spending Report, Birthdays, Gifts 1.11. 14 - 1.17.14

Hello! Is it Friday already? (As said by someone who is not out working 9-5 M-F Right? although I could argue a mom's work is never done..)

So here are my numbers. I have to say reporting my spending has made me really stop and think about what I buy. I like having the accountability.

52.02- Gasoline
My car only takes premium gas. Yeah, I know. But the car was given to me, and you don't argue with free. At least I don't.
5.00 - church stuff
7.00 - Thrift shop - 2 skirts for $3.50 each which I will be posting photos of maybe in the future- "thrift shop wardrobe" maybe?
27.00 - okay this was a dinner date for my Birthday last Friday. My husband and I had a gift card and that paid for the rest. This included alcohol at said dinner as well.
8.00- Mother/son date at chick fil a
I took my older son out on a special "mother/son" date. They had buy and adult meal get a free kid's meal special.
7.50- smoothie at gym.
Yes, this was ridiculous. And we belong to a gym?! But wait- before you start wagging your fingers, I actually won the gym membership at a fundraiser. It's a fancy pants gym, and I don't really belong there. (Can you tell I am not very fancy?) I was so hungry I was mad at myself for letting myself get to the point that I needed to buy a smoothie for 7.50, but between that and keeling over ( I have a tendency to pass out when my blood sugar gets low) I chose the "green machine" smoothie.
47.37- Internet Bill
12.00 - Prescription Drug (maybe someday you'll hear about my health issues:)
148.00 - Yearly home insurance Bill
11.41 - Groceries
Yup, that's right. 11.41 on groceries this week. We ate a lot of beans. Plus, I spent so much money last week I had food leftover. I guess that can negate the expensive smoothie?
3.99 - kindle book.
I failed on the free front kindle, but it was my birthday...

Total for week:


So in other news my birthday recently passed (all I will say is I am somewhere between 25 and 35) and I had to think about gifts. My awesome husband made a card for me with my son, and gave me some special dark chocolate that I like. He knows me really well and I really appreciated the simple gift.

Now, I wasn't sure if I should tell my family "hey, I am in the compact, no gifts" or whatever, but in the end I didn't say too much. For some people gift giving makes them happy and it is how they express their love (what's your love language?)

 I do have a conundrum- My parents are buying me a bicycle for my birthday, and my sister gave me a baby bike seat she does not need anymore.  I am really excited about this, because I can ride to the state park and to town when its not 14 degrees out, and I am totally psyched about driving less (I would love to be a 1 car family - Mike travels for work and needs a car.) Should I look for a second hand bike in the spirit of the compact? Or is it acceptable to buy new because of the amount of gas I will be saving? Hm, it is a thought. I am so excited about getting a bike- my old one is from when I was young and too small for me now.

And what about gift cards? I did receive gift cards. My thoughts were I could buy underwear and stuff like that, or use them to buy gifts for other people, or give them to other people.

And that leads me to gift giving to other people while doing the compact. I no problem giving/receiving second hand gifts, but I know some people are offended by this. I try to stick to consumables then- coffee, wine, chocolate- something that person likes. Food is my favorite after  books - (reading and eating, with sleep as a close third.) Who doesn't like to get food?

Anyway, that's all for today. Have a great weekend!


Monday, January 13, 2014

What I'm Reading/Read 1.13.14

Hey all, it's Monday again. The days go by fast.

What I'm reading around the blogosphere:

Garbage and Excessive Spending by Jacob @ Early Retirement Extreme

Just yeah.

Not Saving for a rainy day by Katrina Ryder

I never thought about it this way. Definitely an interesting read.

My not-so-secret love of fluffy books Anne @ Modern Mrs. Darcy

I read fluff like it's nobodies business. I download most of it for free on kindle, and usually omit the titles when people ask me what I am reading, and somehow justify it's okay because the books are Free.. Because, let's face it, it's kind of embarrassing to admit you love fluff. No one wants to admit they are that girl who loves romantic comedy. (Um, that's me.) I should be reading something I don't know, a little more intellectual or something.

And of course for some humor:

The Most Awkward Jesus Painting I have ever seen by Zack Hunt @ The American Jesus

Delivery room Jesus was my husband and my favorite :)

Happy Monday! I am enjoying our 50 degree heat wave!


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Compact, What will I buy new, Spending Log 1. 9.14

Hello All! I guess it was a lofty goal thinking I could get 3 blog posts up this week with the babe. I write on paper first, because that's just me. Also, sitting down to type requires me to have both hands, and writing on paper does not. (Nor does the kindle). And I quite frequently have one arm occupied with my bundle of joy.

 "But sometimes she sticks me in here. Oh the indignity!" (said in haughty British voice)

So, here is the official website for the Compact:

The Compact

I was trying also to decide what to buy new, Katy@TheNonConsumerAdvocate has a list. Here is mine (so far)

1.) Food/Toiletries (obviously. although I suppose you could forage/dumpster dive...)
2.) Undies/Socks/Bras
3.) Bathing Suit- I spend a lot of time at the pool and I am thinking I don't want to buy anything used that touches the privates..
4.) Kindle Books- at this point I am unaware of the ability to purchase used kindle books, although I might challenge myself to only download free books or check stuff out of the library.

I can't think of anything else. At first I was skeeved out about used sheets, but then I thought about hotels and how many people sleep on those sheets and then it didn't seem that bad. (Reminder to bring pillow with me to hotel. Not that I stay in a hotel often.)

And now to this week's spending report for Jan 1 - Jan 9

Every Friday I will be updating my spending. How low can we go? A little background information:

4 people in family-
2 adults
2 kids (age 7 and 6 weeks)
We live in Pennsylvania in a suburb of Philadelphia.

Anything else you want to know? Ask in the comment section!

The Numbers:
Groceries: $55.66
Groceries: $62.64
Groceries: $18.02
Honest Company Cleaning Bundle: $53.09
Norton Internet Security Automatic renewal- $74.19
BILLS: $974.00
 Church Offering: $20.00
Kindle Book: $5.99

Total: $1263.59

Wow that's a doozy. I spent $136.32 on groceries. Guess I need to work on that. And totally didn't remember the Norton Security Auto Renewal. 

Well, this is going to be interesting.


Monday, January 6, 2014

What I'm reading 1.6.14

Wow! I can't believe it is already 2014. I read a lot- here is a bit of what I am reading this week.


1.) The Bible

I mentioned it is my goal to make it through the Bible this year. (I always seem to get stuck in the Old Testament). I have the New Revised Standard Edition (which I prefer of the English Standard Version). It has an outlined plan to read it through the year day by day- a little bit of the Old and a little bit of the new, which I like. Right now I am at Genesis 13 and Matthew 5 (love the Beatitudes).

2.) I joined an online book group run by Bethany at Piercing the Bubble. We are reading Simple Abundance and having a group discussion through email. Bethany is awesome and I am very excited about this!

3.) I try to keep a fiction book on hand too. I read almost exclusively now on my Kindle, because it is easier while breastfeeding. (Don't get me wrong, I love real books. Nothing beats the smell of a new book..) I download a lot of freebies on my kindle and they are hit or miss. Right now I am reading "Something About Her". It isn't terrible, but it isn't exactly thought provoking. Fine fluff entertainment for middle of the night nursing sessions.


1.) Standard of Living vs. Quality of Life by Jacob at Early Retirement Extreme.

My life looks a lot different than Jacob's, I am not early retired. But, his blog does resonate with me- I like the idea of spending little and being self sufficient. And spending definitely does not define my standard of living.

2.) This is my Brain on Hugs by Jamie the Very Worst Missionary

This cracks me up! I can definitely relate.

3.) Frugal Doesn't Mean Deprived


Happy Monday!


Friday, January 3, 2014

What's Going on with the Blog?

Since I have got some of my blogging mojo back, I decided for 2014 I will start blogging with a sort of schedule, to keep myself motivated. It is very easy with a new baby to let the days go by.

Mondays will be posts of what I am reading. I love reading and want to make that a part of the blog. It will be books, other blogs, articles, etc.

Wednesday will be whatever is on my mind- low waste endeavors, random musings, etc.

Friday will be a weekly spending update and report of how I am doing with the compact. I am so excited about this! I also want to keep it as a sort of log of how much you really need to spend- how little can a family of 4 live on and still be happy and comfortable?

I hope you will follow me on my journey! Happy New Year!
