I think it is very important when you take on something in your life, to set a goal to reach. We are trying to lower our waste. It is also important to have a goal that is attainable, so that you can reach it and not give up out of frustration. That is one of the reasons I am embarking on "low waste living" as opposed to "zero waste living". It is not that I do not want to be zero waste (or aspire to get there eventually), but I need a starting block to get there.
I have had many conversations with my husband about lowering our waste, and I am lucky as he wants to be a team player in this. When you have a family member/friend/loved one who supports you, it always makes reaching your goals easier!
So what goals am I setting today? My goal for the month of July is to only fill 1 kitchen size trash bag per week. Now, if we don't fill it, great! But that is what I am aiming to reduce our waste to this month.
This week I am also collecting all my plastic trash (just mine, not my husband or child's) and at the end I will post it here (and on "MyPlasticFreeLife.com" under the "show your plastic" tally. Just so I can get an idea of what I am producing.
I would also love to get a composting system going. We currently do not compost. Composting would cut down a great amount of our outgoing trash (obviously). I have to say I do not know anyone personally who composts. ( I live in the North Eastern part of the United States. We seem to be behind the West Coast on this).
So there are my goals for July. I will update my progress on here!
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