Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Life with Children

my boys at a beach camping trip last year

It's been a while since I visited this space, and I find myself craving the community I had once knew from this blog. Connecting with like-minded people who are also concerned and interested in the same things as I am- something that is not always as easy in real life!

I finally feel that I have time to invest in myself and my little blog and my community again. I have 2 children, they are seven years apart. Something that I have found with both of them is it took until they were each about 5 years old where I finally felt like "me" again, someone outside of just being their mom.
I imagine most moms feel this way long before 5, how else would people have children so close in age? Or function? I personally do not function well on low sleep and toddlers. Now that my children are now 13 and almost 6 years old, I find myself longing for things like this little blog and a like minded community.

In the next couple of weeks, my family will be embarking on a long road camping trip. It is our first of its kind with both kids. We finally reached a point where we feel our youngest can handle more difficult travel and hikes. In previous years we have camped in short periods and closer to home. This year however, our trip will take us through 6 states and 5 stops.

I can't wait to share our minimalist camping experiences- we are already practicing packing our Honda CR-V for the trip. We'll see how it goes, and I cannot wait to share it with anyone who still checks things out here or any new readers who may find me!
