Although I am a "J" type in my Meyers Briggs (INFJ) My "J" seems to be my weakest, and although I like to have things planned and a general outline, I am not rigid in my schedules. Which is why my Friday spending report is being posted on Monday.
Spending Report 3.1 - 3.7
House payment: $900.00
Shower Curtain: $10.00 - I let ours go for too long without cleaning it and now it is beyond hope. I ordered a cloth one from Amazon and plan on taking better care of it.
Book For Son used on amazon- $5.00 - a start to the "sex" talk. I want to make this as comfortable as it can be between a mother and son.
Gas for Me - $55.50
Gas for Mike- $31.05
That is the difference between a tank of regular and a tank of premium.
Groceries: $3.65 - rethinking my dislike of Costco as the only thing I needed to buy this week was bananas. I am definitely down with one shopping trip lasting 2 weeks.
Swim Diapers: $13.28
We have a trial family membership to a local gym and they have family swim night at their indoor pool.
The Honest Company Cleaning Bundle: $41.90
Total for this week:
The last thing on my list is the Honest Cleaning Bundle. Prior to the birth of Son 2, I made most of my cleaners at home. This started because I wanted all natural cleaners but didn't want to pay the price at the store. I decided to give myself a break when Son 2 was born and purchase cleaners from
The Honest Company.
I didn't realize at the time that is a monthly subscription that needs to be canceled via phone call. If I had, I might not have ordered it, as I hate making phone calls (social interaction! Ah!)
Now that Baby is 4 months old and (sorta) sleeping through the night, I feel I might be ready to go back to my homemade cleaners, but the problem is, not all of them worked. And my husband HATES vinegar. With a vengeance. And he can sniff it out like a crime sniffing dog. So. Vinegar is out.
What did work:
Laundry detergent
Mirror/Window Cleaner
Soft Scrub
Dish Soap
What did not work:
Toilet Cleaner (still had marks in bowl)
Mold/Mildew Shower tile cleaner (shower looks a lot better since I started using Honest Bath Cleaner)
Dishwasher Detergent (made my dishwasher grime-y)
So, I am trying to decide if the expense is worth it. $35.99/5 products seems like a lot, and I don't know if I can justify the expense anymore. Does anyone have cleaner recipes for those things that work that do not use vinegar?
Happy Monday!